
The Hudhud: A Weapon of the Resistance

Political Commentary

 October 10, 2024

By Nasser Kandil

The resistance has successfully made the video messages it releases – part of its media war that accompanies its brave battlefield confrontations – a key component of both its military and political campaigns. Contrary to what some may believe or claim, the resistance does not need to legitimise its strikes, especially as the aggression against it, Lebanon, and its community has reached the point of violating every boundary. The resistance’s goal is not merely to justify its attacks, but to use them strategically to shape the conditions necessary for victory. This victory is achieved by fostering a sense of futility in the continuation of the war, ultimately leading to an agreement with the resistance in Gaza as a pathway to ending the wars on all support fronts.

With each successive strike on targets previously revealed in The Hudhud video recordings, the resistance strengthens the credibility of its military operations. By sharing these videos as a pre-strike warning, and then carrying out the attack as promised, the resistance establishes a seamless link between warning and action. This synchronisation is not only about proving the resistance’s capability and resolve, but it also serves to instil a belief among the public within the occupying entity that the resistance is fearless in following through on its threats. Even when the occupying army is forewarned of an impending strike, it is powerless to prevent it. This is not just psychological warfare or propaganda – it is a calculated political strategy.

The resistance is not engaged in some tribal feud seeking vengeance. It is waging a modern war based on the highest standards of science, strategy, and precision. In war, the essence is not how much death and destruction you inflict on the enemy. The occupying army may have unleashed unprecedented devastation in Gaza – destruction that is unfathomable within such a small territory and limited timeframe – but none of this has brought the occupier closer to victory. It excels at exacting revenge on the Palestinian people and their resistance, just as it does against the Lebanese people and their resistance. Yet, it remains as far from victory as ever.

For the resistance, the highest form of vengeance for its leaders, its people, and for the sacrifices made by Gaza, Palestine, and the Palestinian Resistance is to end this war with a clear victory – one that renders the occupying entity incapable of achieving any of its war objectives and where all resistance forces in the region emerge stronger and more resilient than ever.

The Hudhud is one of the resistance’s tools for achieving victory, functioning as a weapon of political warfare. It crafts an image and atmosphere among the settlers, pushing them toward despair over the continuation of the war. This stems from the conviction that the occupier faces a capable resistance – one that speaks and acts, and possesses the means to do everything it claims. No force can prevent the resistance from taking action, as such, public opinion within the occupying entity begins to exert political pressure in favour of ending the war. This is what The Hudhud achieves time and again.

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