Earth Day for the fortieth time: Palestine will not die in spite of the Arab regime
Written by Nasser Kandil,
During forty days and continuously the Palestinians from Galilee to the Negev did not stop commemorating the Earth Day on the thirtieth of March each year, and during forty years the goal of the revival was not only to commemorate the martyrs who died in a protest against confiscating the lands which the Palestinians have revolted about for forty years ago, knowing that the first uprisings of the occupied territories were since 1948, but also the goal was to confirm the adherence to the case, identity, and the symbolism of the day that unites all the sons of Palestine, moreover to confirm the communication between the inhabitants of the occupied territories from the Palestinians between the sea and the river with the distributed diaspora on the countries of pervasion, who were and still loyal to commemorate the Earth Day.
The Palestinian Cause has witnessed innumerable political projects, all of the them were under the title of the negotiation with the occupation and the pursuit to achieve a political solution, which its main item was the abandonment of the occupied territories since the emergence of the occupied entity in 1948 and the bargaining on the right of return of the Palestinian refugees, on these two items the Palestinian Cause was formed since the beginning of the last century till the emergence of the settlement projects after the war of 1967 and the attempts of getting rid of the Palestinian Cause under the slogan of a country on the occupied territories since 1967, because the occupation of these territories is the one of the consequences of the wars which the presence of the Cause has imposed it, but its recapturing is neither the Cause, nor the Cause was formed of it, when the sacrifices were made whether by the Palestinians or by the Arab and Islamic people. ،
The recapturing of the Occupied Palestinian territories of 1967 is an indispensable duty but legally it is an Arab duty not a Palestinian one, however since it is a Palestinian land so the Palestinians cannot abandon of the contribution in any attempt to recapture it , but this does not prevent that it is the responsible of the countries through which these lands have been fallen under the occupation at their time, they are Egypt and Jordan which legally they did not have the right to sign peace agreements with the occupation entity under the slogan of ending the issues which concerned them and forgetting the Palestinian trust which they were unable to protect it, thus they have to recapture it either peacefully or by war and return it to the Palestinians without asking them to accept it in exchange of the land on which the occupation usurped it in 1948, so how after they abandoned this legal moral national human responsibility, but on the contrary and in an impudent way their governments accompanied with the official Arab regime and the official Palestinian leadership said the Arabs can abandon their responsibility in recapturing the Palestinian trust which they lost, and making peace agreements , moreover asking the Palestinians to accept their abandonment and to name the recapturing of this trust an Arab project for peace accompanied with forgetting the origin of the Cause and accept the occupation of it, in addition to present the right of return at the bazaar of bargaining in exchange that the Palestinians will accomplish this barter between getting a Palestinian right that is betrayed by the Arabs and the beneficiary right for the Palestinians in order to continue the struggle for its sake if the Arabs have done their legal duty and given the usurped trust for the Palestinians to continue the marsh, thus the betrayal becomes twice, once for the abandonment and once through the call for the barter.
The revival of the Palestinians of the Earth Day ceaselessly means an explicit declaration of protesting against these two betrayals including a Palestinian partnership and announcing of a continuous life of the Cause which they refuse its obituary and the announcement of its death. The Palestinians know that what has happened these years of accompanying peace agreements and the peace projects which depended on them, are not refused only, but the most important is that they are without hope and they do not bet on them even in the lie of the phase through which many theorists and philosophers talk about, where the Palestinian farmer who knows fully the land reveals that they are ignorant and they do not understand neither the history nor the geography, so how to imagine that one of the faithful of the ideology of Zionism which based on the myth of the promised land accepts to abandon the West Bank which is the promised land on which the two kingdoms of ” Israel ” and “Jews” were based, while there were not any kingdoms of the sons of Israel that have been formed in the coastal strip which some of the Arabs and the Palestinians ” who claims their knowing of politics” think that it is the acceptable Zionist alternative for the deluded withdrawal of the West Bank especially Herbon, Tulkarem and the East Jerusalem where is the history of the kingdoms of the sons of Israel according to the dogmatic claim on which the entity has been based.
The Palestinians revive the Earth Day haven’t in their minds any roadmap for liberation or a calendar for the return, or an answer for the questions of politics, because they are contrary to the defeatists inactive in politics, they know that Palestine is a Cause of generations for other generations, and that the deadline for the liberation will come spontaneously, as the flood or the earthquake it will come without introductions or signs, it will come when it is due only.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,